
Replace Guest with your username.

; 9fs tcp!cloud9p.org!900 /n/chat
; cat /n/chat/chat &
; while() read | sed '1s/^/Guest → /' >>/n/chat/chat

(:if false:)

; srv tcp!cloud9p.org!900 gridchat /n/chat
; cat /n/chat/chat &
; while() read | sed '1s/^/Guest → /' >> /n/chat/chat


From UNIX:

Install plan9port.

On OpenBSD:

$ doas pkg_add plan9port

On Linux, you may have to compile from source.

$ 9 9p -a 'tcp!cloud9p.org!900' read chat | sed "s/$/$(echo '\a')/" &
while read l; do echo $(date -z UTC +%25H:%25M) $USER → "$l"
done | 9 9p -a 'tcp!cloud9p.org!900' write chat