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Install Botnow

Please refer to the README file for a more detailed information.

Botnow is used to provide bouncers, liberty shells, and other services on IRCNow.

You can download botnow here:

or by cloning the repository:

$ git clone git://
$ make
`botnow' is up to date.

System requirements:

Update information:

Notice the new parameters in botnow.conf 
+ Added external IP v6 address:
ip6 = 2001:db8::
+ Added IPv6 subnet length:
ip6subnet = 64
+ Added routing prefix for IPv6 network:
ip6prefix = 48
+ Added a list of networks to connect to:
networks = liberachat oftc rizon dalnet efnet undernet ircnet
- Removed WWW from modules to load:
modules = BNC DNS Mail Shell SQLite Hash Help