[03:16:38] <jrmu>
[03:16:41] <jrmu> What do I care the open web is dying?
[03:17:04] <jrmu> Three characteristics that proponents of the open web will agree to in
roughly descending order are:
[03:17:13] <jrmu> Ease of publishing: anyone can publish to it freely or at least ve
ry cheaply, and is on the same footing with a globally accessible URL
[03:17:16] <jrmu> Ease of consuming: Net neutrality ISP's dont cut deals with corp
orations to make some websites load faster or cheaper than others.
[03:17:19] <jrmu> Ease of remixing. You can see the source code. Content licenses an
d tools are permissive for derived works.
The Web is heavy as heck, Way heavier than how it was before
Imagine wasting a megabyte of your bandwidth just to load a simple "Hello world" site that written in Vue/React.
Unexpectly misused. They're now want you to stay longer at Web
Lot of websites today has tracker script that really tracks you for a long time, That then will used to sell the tracking data to advertising company, So "the ads matches with what you like"
"We need JavaScript, seriously"
We're all know the drills. We know that several websites requires JavaScript to work / render it's page. But do you know what the script actually doing?
The Web is now controlled by Big companies
Now, a big company tries to set their own standards, Such as Deprecating HTTP.
You need higher system spec to surf the web quickly.
Today's web browsers not only no longer supports old operating system, But also need higher system requirement to work as good as expected.
You are the product
So what now? Feeling late? Touch grass.