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Hello, and Welcome to Team FreeIRC

This page will be setup in a Q&A format.

What is FreeIRC?

FreeIRC, is a IRCNOW team, we provide Free Shell accounts, znc access, and other services.

We will also have FreeIRC Cloud, a Free Secure Google Drive/Dropbox alternative.

Who is are team members?

Team members are: Kilroy, xfnw

We are the main Team members

There is also: debiankaios, and MisterE

they both help with FreeIRC operations, but don't directly manage the main server.

How can I contact FreeIRC?

The best way to contact us is on IRC, you can use our webchat at (coming soon).

IRC connection info:


(no ssl/tls)
our support channel is ##STARTCODEBLOCK##
What is your website?