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Join the Code Force

The Few, the Proud, the Code Force

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The elite corps of code warriors that lead the way.

Your Reward

Become an admin on IRCNow

Free Homestead VPS

Write and deploy code for the network

Hang out with friends while improving IRC

Add a new work experience for your CV/resume

Help improve freedom on the internet

We would like to someday pay salaries to our staff, but we cannot afford to do so at this time.

How to Apply

Request a shell account

Learn the system by following our UNIX tutorials. We require all recruits finish training tutorials before applying.

Learn how to ask smart questions.

Take the time to learn OpenBSD.

Become familiar with our goals for IRC and our [commitment to user freedom.

Become familiar with our goals for IRC and our [commitment to user freedom.

Send an email to We'll interview you, and if all seems good, we'll invite you to train with us.

After you finish training, you'll be promote to staff!

Your Duties

Commit to help your team for a minimum of 5 hours per week

Finish Sysadmin Training in 6 weeks.

After joining the team, commit to ongoing training

Work on the IRCNow Roadmap

You can optionally work on third party software

You must be willing to help with customer support, documentation, and basic coding


Track our progress on the roadmap

See the report on IRCNow Finances