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Apply to be a Pentester

If you would like to help improve IRC while learning security, we would love to have you join our team as a pentester.

Your Reward

Join IRCNow Staff

Free OpenBSD VPS

Learn UNIX sysadmin and learn about security

Learn to find and defend against exploits in code

Hang out with friends while improving IRC

Add a new work experience for your CV/resume

Help improve freedom on the internet

We would like to someday pay salaries to our staff, but we cannot afford to do so at this time.

How to Apply

If you are completely new to UNIX, you must first request a shell account

Learn the system by following our UNIX tutorials. We require all applicants finish training tutorials before applying.

Learn how to ask smart questions.

Take the time to learn OpenBSD.

Become familiar with our goals for IRC and our [commitment to user freedom.

Become familiar with our goals for IRC and our [commitment to user freedom.

If you'd like to root access to a real server, we ask you please send your resume to Please provide your full legal name, phone number, and work references or websites or projects you have worked on. We'll then conduct an interview, and if all goes well, we'll invite you to our team.

If you'd prefer to remain anonymous, please contact us for an interview. If you find a security hole, please let us know: we appreciate your help!

Your Duties

Commit to help your team for a minimum of 5 hours per week

Work on security for the IRCNow network (see the IRCNow

You can optionally test security of third party software on our network

You must be willing to help with documentation, patching security issues, and customer support