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Roadmap for 2022

Developer training

Create irc101 intro course

Create channel oper course

Create Unix 201 shell scripting course

Create C programming tutorial

Create lua programming tutorial

Create lisp programming tutorial

Create 9 101 course

Update perl101 programming tutorial

Update Unix 101 tutorial

Work on new software projects

User services

Fix liberty shell, [znc requests bot

Fix liberty shell, [znc requests bot

Update guides for [znc|bouncer/bouncer]], shell, email, [vpn, [xmpp

Update guides for [znc|bouncer/bouncer]], shell, email, [vpn, [xmpp

Automate VPS request bot

Provide automated eggdrops

Offer BCHS web hosting

# undeadly's [source code for blogs # undeadly's [source code for blogs

# centroid's [source code for blogs # centroid's [source code for blogs

Provide file hosting with [http|openhttpd/configure]], sftp, ftp, [openrsync and [rsync access.

Provide file hosting with [http|openhttpd/configure]], sftp, ftp, [openrsync and [rsync access.

Provide IPSec VPNs with [IKED

Provide IPSec VPNs with [IKED

Provide mail hosting

Implement voting system using mailing list archives

Offer code hosting with got and [cvs

Offer code hosting with got and [cvs

Provide telephony using SIP using asterisk (include free public phone


Create codeforce training program

Create sons of liberty guide

Create security team

Document cloud9p network

Server Independence

Each team should work towards financial independence. We can then transfer legal ownership to each team.

Here are some approaches to revenue:

User subscriptions/memberships

# Extra storage

# Extra bandwidth

# VPS hosting

User donations and organizational sponsorships

Fees on 3rd party transactions

# Provide an IRC marketplace and cryptocoin payment platform

# Provide an IRC platform for developers of IRC bots and games

# Provide a platform for advertisers (require user consent)