
Released May 17, 2021. (1st KISSmo release)

Copyright 2021, init a.k.a monaco.

To download KISSmo source visit our gitlab repositories Click here# .

Keep it simple stupid (KISSmo paste).

KISSmo requires no database of anykind it is based on a flatfile paste system.

What's New

This is a partial list of new features included on KISSmo.


Added new/extended on KISSmo.

Revision code of main index.php:

Support Nginx and OpenHTTPD it works on Apache aswell, soon will be added instructions how to for Apache aswel.

Added new features on archive such as Search with previews and links.

Duo to the new feature of search on archive we do recommended that you and nobody should contribute sensitive data to sites using KISSmo.

Added Nginx setup guide.

Added OpenHTTPD setup guide.

Added support for terminal browsers such as "lynx".

Added mobile device support.

Added new CSS.


Please refer to the following links for download and help documents:

Gitlab.com Source Code

How to upgrade

Upgrade will not be painful as with other pieces of software you simply would need to replace 2 files index.php and archive.php for a new version, and add other features if another file has been added and would be explained why.

Nginx Config

Explain for howto make it work under systems running nginx.

location /p/ {

alias /home/admin/web/paste.oddprotocol.org/public_html/p/;

index index.txt;

autoindex on;


This configuration is needed to be added under nginx confing for that specific domain name that you're trying to run KISSmo.

OpenHTTPD Config

AExplain howto make it work under system OpenBSD running OpenHTTPD:

location "/test/p/*" {

    directory { auto index, index "index.txt" }


[Under httpd.conf referring to the specific domain name configuration you would need to add the configuration above.]

init a.k.a monaco - (C) 2021