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How to install KISSmo follow this simple steps:

Go to the desired directory with commands as follow:

cd /var/www/websiteyouwant - This can be any location you put you're web.

wget [[]]

Then unzip:


Edit index.php:

Replace line 7 where you will find:

$ncsite=" 7777";

Edit it to:

$ncsite="yourweb.tld 7777";

Replace line 60 where you will find:

$sitename = "";

Edit it to:

$sitename = "https://youreweb.tld/p";

If you're using OpenHTTPD you will need to add this to /etc/httpd.conf:

Under you're specific site that you're looking to run KISSmo add this:

location "/test/p/*" {

    directory { auto index, index "index.txt" }


If you're using Nginx you will need to add this to /etc/nginx.conf or if you're running specific nginx conf for a specific site you know where it is:

location /p/ {

alias /home/admin/web/;

index index.txt;

autoindex on;


Running KISSmo actually:


About KISSmo: [[]]