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Minutemin Bootcamp

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||# OpenBSD Jumpstart ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| OpenBSD Intro || BSD || Introduction to OpenBSD || ||

|| Configure doas || BSD || Execute commands as root || [Civics Intro || || Configure doas || BSD || Execute commands as root || [Civics Intro ||

|| Patch your system || BSD || Patch your system || [doas || || Patch your system || BSD || Patch your system || [doas ||

|| Installing Packages || BSD || Install new software || ||

|| Good Questions || Civics || How to Ask Good Questions || ||

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||# IRC Server ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| Self-Admin || Civics || Admin your network || ||

|| Install ngIRCd || IRC || Install an IRC server || ||

|| Login classes || BSD || Configure login classes || ||

|| ngIRCd login class || IRC || Increase ngIRCd limits || ||

|| Oper Guide || IRC || Oper an IRC Server || ||

|| netcat || Network || Troubleshoot applications with netcat || ||

|| netcat IRC || Network || Troubleshoot IRC with netcat || ||

|| rcctl || BSD || Start services automatically || ||

||# Web Server ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| Freedom to Fork || Civics || Freedom to Fork || ||

|| Intro to Chroot || BSD || Learn about Chroots || ||

|| Simple OpenHTTPd || Web || Host your own web server || ||

|| netcat HTTP || Network || Troubleshoot webserver with netcat || ||

|| Telnet HTTP || Network || Troubleshoot webserver with telnet || ||

|| acme-client || Security || Request an SSL cert || ||

|| OpenHTTPd TLS || Web || Provide TLS for webpages || ||

|| OpenSSL HTTP || Network || Test TLS for webpages with OpenSSL || ||

|| OpenHTTPd PHP || Web || Install PHP inside OpenHTTPd chroot || ||

|| PMWiki || Web || Setup your own private wiki || ||

|| Multi-user OpenHTTPd || Web || Configure webserver for multiple domains || ||

|| Open Proxies || Web || Avoid blacklists by closing open proxies || ||

|| OpenHTTPd Perl || Web || Install Perl inside OpenHTTPd chroot || ||

||# IRC Network ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| Free Press || Civics || Freedom of Speech and of the Press || ||

|| ngircd ssl || IRC || Configure SSL for your IRCd || ||

|| ngircd link || IRC || Link your ngIRCd to the network || ||

|| Install hopm || IRC || Detect and ban spammers using an open proxy monitor || ||

|| Test hopm || IRC || Test hopm with telnet || ||

|| Install Anope || IRC || Install Anope IRC services || ||

|| Install Atheme || IRC || Install Atheme IRC services || ||

||# IRC Bouncer ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| Software Freedom || Civics || Software Freedom || ||

|| Chroot ZNC || IRC || Securely install ZNC || ||

|| TLS Acceleration || Security || Provide TLS for multiple services || ||

|| Relayd ZNC Webpanel || IRC || Setup web panel for ZNC || ||

|| TLS Acceleration (multiple) || Security || Encrypt traffic with TLS for multiple services || ||

|| Let's Encrypt's Expired CA || Security || Removed Expired CA from Let's Encrypt certificates || ||

||# TCP/IP Networking ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| Religious Liberty || Civics || Freedom of Religion || ||

|| TCP/IP Networking || Network || Learn Basics of TCP/IP || ||

|| IPv4 Networking || Network || Learn IPv4 Networking || ||

|| IPv6 Networking || Network || Learn IPv6 Networking || ||

|| My IP Address || Network || What's my IP Address? || ||

|| ping || Network || Troubleshoot networking with ping || ||

|| dig || Network || Troubleshoot DNS servers and records || ||

|| ifconfig || Network || || ||

|| Static Networking || Network || ||

|| Route || Network || Configure route paths || ||

||# Network Defense ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| Open For Everyone || Civics || || ||

|| Packet Filter || Network || Setup firewall with Packet Filter || ||

|| DDoS Defense || Network || Defend against DDoS Attacks || ||

|| tcpdump || Network || Read network packets || ||

|| SSDP attack || Network || || ||

|| TCP ack flood || Network || || ||

|| TCP reset flood || Network || || ||

|| UDP Flood || Network || || ||

|| amplification attack || Network || || ||

|| PF Stable || Network || Sample PF Firewall for Stable || ||

|| PF Testing || Network || Sample PF Firewall for Testing || ||

|| Packet Filter || Network || PF Guide || ||

||# Domain Name Lookup ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| DNS Overview || DNS || Learn the Domain Name System || ||

|| unbound || DNS || Configure a local caching nameserver || ||

|| dig || DNS || Troubleshoot DNS records with dig || ||

|| host || DNS || Troubleshoot DNS records with host || ||

||# Name Server ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| Become a Netizen || Civics || || ||

|| Netizen Rights || Civics || || ||

|| DNS Records || DNS || Understand DNS record types || ||

|| Name Registrars || DNS || Choose a name registrar || ||

|| FQDN || DNS || Understand FQDN and $ORIGIN || ||

|| Configure NSD || DNS || Configure name server for custom domains || ||

|| Zone File || DNS || || ||

|| NSD Zone || DNS || || ||

|| nsd master slave || DNS || || ||

|| rDNS || DNS || Configure reverse DNS for vhosts and email || ||

|| IPv4 rDNS || DNS || Configure IPv4 reverse DNS || ||

|| IPv6 rDNS || DNS || Configure IPv6 reverse DNS || ||

||# IRC Hostmasks ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| Unix Work Ethic || Civics || || ||

|| vhost || DNS || Create custom vhost || ||

|| Oidentd || Security || Provide ident to stop abuse || ||

|| Oidentd for ZNC || Security || Provide ident for ZNC || ||

|| ilines || IRC || Request higher connection limits from IRC networks || ||

||# Mail Server ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| Federation || Civics || || ||

|| OpenSMTPd || Mail || Configure your mail server || ||

|| DNS for Mail || Mail || Create DNS records for email || ||

|| [[DNS/SPF]] || Mail || Configure SPF records to avoid the spam folder || ||

|| [[DNS/DKIM]] || Mail || Configure DKIM records to avoid the SPAM folder || ||

|| [[DNS/DMARC]] || Mail || Configure DMARC records to block phishing and spam || ||

|| netcat SMTP || Network || Troubleshoot SMTP with netcat || ||

|| SMTP Testing || Mail || Send a test letter || ||

|| Open Mail Relay || Mail || Block open mail relay to avoid sending spam || ||

|| Install Dovecot || Mail || Install POP and IMAP server to read mail || ||

|| OpenSSL IMAP || Network || Troubleshoot IMAP with openssl || ||

|| SquirrelMail || Web || Install webmail || ||

|| Install Mlmmj || Mail || Install mailing list || ||

||# Support for IRC Bouncers ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| Servers' Rights || Civics || Servers' Rights || ||

|| Minutemin's Code || Civics || Recite the Code of Honor || ||

|| botnow || IRC || Install botnow to provide bouncers and shells || ||

|| ZNC User's Guide || IRC || ZNC User Guide || ||

|| ZNC Admin's Guide || IRC || ZNC Admin Guide || ||

|| ZNC Support || IRC || ZNC Support Guide || ||

||# Version Control ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| Call of Duty || Civics || The Call of Duty || ||

|| CVS Intro || Code || Set up version control || ||

|| CVS Repos || Code || Manage CVS repos || ||

|| Anoncvs || Code || Provide anonymous read-only CVS access || ||

|| CVSweb || Code || Provide read-only CVS web access || ||

|| got || Code || Set up got version control (clone of || ||

|| got repo || Code || Set up got repo || ||

|| got server || Code || Set up got server || ||

|| got mirror || Code || Set up got mirror || ||

|| gotweb || Code || Set up got web access || ||

||# Disk Setup and Backups ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| Minutemin's Server || Civics || The Minutemin's Server || ||

|| dump || BSD || Backup a partition || ||

|| openrsync || BSD || Backup and sync files || ||

|| fdisk || BSD || Partition Hard Disk || ||

|| disklabel || BSD || Partition Hard Disk || ||

|| newdisk || BSD || Add a New Hard Disk || ||

|| growfs || BSD || Grow a Disk Partition || ||

||# Virtual Machine ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| VMM User Guide || BSD || Control your VPS || ||

|| VMM Install || BSD || || ||

|| VMM Linux Guide || BSD || || ||

|| Install OpenBSD 7.1 || BSD || Install OpenBSD 7.0 || ||

|| Upgrade OpenBSD 7.1 || BSD || Upgrade OpenBSD 7.0 || ||

|| OpenBSD 7.1 Sysupgrade || BSD || || ||

|| Hosting Providers || Network || Choose a Hosting Provider || ||

|| bsd.rd || BSD || Install/Upgrade/Repair OpenBSD || ||

|| Reset root password || BSD || Reset root password || ||

|| Configure DHCP server || Network || || ||

|| Buyvm Guide || BSD || || ||

|| Linux on VMM || BSD || Install Linux on OpenBSD VMM || ||

||# Civics ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| Independence || Civics || Declaration of Network Independence || ||

|| Constitution || Civics || Read the Constitution and Bill of Rights || ||

|| United We Serve || Civics || || ||

|| Privacy || Civics || Right to Privacy || ||

|| Free Homestead VPS || Civics || || ||

|| Made on IRC || Civics || || ||

|| The Startup Dream || Civics || || ||

|| Due Process || Civics || || ||

|| Checks and Balances || Civics || || ||

|| Rule by Law || Civics || || ||

||# Miscellaneous ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| chrooted sftp || Network || Chroot sftp server for secure file hosting || ||

|| ports || BSD || Install software from ports tree || ||

|| ntpd || Network || Update date and time from network automatically || ||

||# Stopping Abuse ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| Police Guide || Security || Investigation techniques to report criminals || ||

|| Abuse Fingerprinting || Security || Investigation techniques to detect abusers || ||

|| Team Security || Security || Prevent security leaks || ||

||# Security ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| Manage Passwords || Shell || Create secure passwords || ||

|| Encrypt Files || Shell || Encrypt files with OpenSSL || ||

|| Create PGP key || Security || Create PGP key || ||

|| Verify signature || Security || Verify PGP signature for email and software || ||

|| signify || Security || Verify OpenBSD software || ||

|| File Permissions || Security || Fix insecure file permissions || ||

||# VPNs and Proxies ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| iked || Network || Provide IPSec VPNs || ||

|| VPN clients || Security || Configure IPSec VPN client || ||

|| torsocks || Security || Connect with tor to cloak IP address || ||

|| IRC with Tor || Security || Connect to IRC with tor || ||

|| Hidden Services || Security || Provide tor hidden services || ||

||# Secure Shell ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| sshd || Security || Configure and start sshd || ||

|| OpenSSH || Security || Configure ssh and connect securely || ||

|| Generate SSH Keys || Security || Generate SSH keys || ||

|| SSH keys || Security || Verify ssh keys || ||

|| SSH backdoor || Security || Configure ssh side channel to avoid DDoS || ||

||# Further Reading ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| OpenBSD Books || BSD || OpenBSD recommended reading || ||

|| Unix Books || BSD || Unix recommended reading || ||

||# Minutemin ||||||||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||

|| Dogfooding || Civics || Eat your own dogfood || ||

|| Welcome to the Team || Civics || Learn Team Responsibilities || ||

|| Testing Servers || Civics || Learn Team Procedure for Testing || ||

|| Claim Networks || Civics || Claim Team Networks || ||

|| IRCNow Roadmap || Civics || Plan for IRCNow || ||

|| Announcements || Civics || Announce downtime and updates for users || ||