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Patriot's Progress

|| border=1 width=100%25 class="sortable simpletable"

||# Character ||# Duty ||# Skills ||# Bonus ||

|| New User || Immigrant From the Old Network || None || None ||

|| Pioneer || Self Host Own Services || Independence || $5/month ||

|| Minutemin || To Admin the Network on a Minute's Notice || Sysadmin || Admin Powers ||

|| Sheriff || To Report Network Outlaws and Enforce Law and Order || Security || Oper Powers ||

|| Manufacturer || 3rd Party Developer || Trade || Market Powers ||

|| Lawyer || Interpret Network Policy to Ensure Justice and Freedom || Law || Legal Powers ||

(:if false:)

|| Code Force || To Code and Defend the Network || Coding || Repo Powers ||

|| Ops of Liberty || To Provide User Support and to Instill Liberty || Support || Oper Powers ||

|| Senator || Represent Users and Write Network Policy || Politics || Congress Powers ||

|| Pioneer || Network Marketing Pioneers || Invites New Users || Explorer ||

|| Inventor || 3rd Party Inventors || Commerce || 3rd Party Devs ||



||# Bonus Type ||# Limit ||# Description ||

|| password reset || || ||

|| +1 bnc || max 2 || Free ZNC ||

|| +1 liberty shell || max 2 || Free Shell ||

|| custom vhost || || ||

|| custom domain || || ||

|| +1 SSL cert || || ||

|| +v voice (netizen) || || Netizen ||

|| +h halfop || || Patriot ||

|| +o op || || Op of Liberty ||

|| +a admin || || ||

|| +q founder || || ||

|| +oper || || ||

|| +znc admin || || ||

|| +1 email || || ||

|| +1 eggdrop || || ||

|| +1 support email || || ||

|| +1 VPN || || ||

|| +1 GB file storage || || ||

|| +1 nntp account || || ||

|| +1 minetest server || || ||

|| +1 Homestead VPS || || ||

|| +1 Public VPS || || ||

|| Resume Referral || || ||

|| Ally Network || || ||

|| Promote to Minutemin || || ||

|| Promote to Governor || || ||

|| +1 dedicated server || || ||

||# Founder ||# Description ||# Bonus ||

|| gry || Champion of Due Process and the Presumption of Innocence || Users no longer complain about netizen fees ||

|| search_social || Network Diplomat and Defender of the Free Press || Charitable donors are 2x as generous ||

|| Error || First Network News Publisher || All servers now accept use of odd protocols ||

|| Fizi || Established First Network Cryptobank || Servers Can Evade Bank Sanctions ||

|| Subline || Pioneer of the First Union Relay || Cross-Network Spam Reduced by 50%25 ||

|| MIF Hancock || First Signer of Network Independence || ||

|| Miniontoby || Minetest Merchant and Discord Smuggler || Bridges Attract +50%25 More New Users ||

|| Quo-fan Penn || Early Pioneer Advocate of Freedom of Religion || ||

|| Chewbakka85 || || ||

|| dennis || || ||

|| bangcat || || ||

|| nix || || ||

|| Thor || || ||

|| Torrenter2010 || Pirate on the Aye Arrgh Seas || ||

(:if false:)

|| John Jay || First Chief Justice, Advocated for Strong Centralized ID System || ||

|| Thomas Jefferson || Author of the Unix Declaration of Independence, Supporter of immigrants and republicanism || ||

|| James Madison || Drafted the IRCNow Constitution and Bill of Rights, co-wrote the Federation Papers || ||

|| Walter Raleigh || || ||

|| Captain John Smith || || ||

|| Roger Williams || Campaigned for fair dealings with Native IRCians and abolition of non-free software || ||

|| Daniel Boone || Folk hero for exploring and settling the IRC Frontier || ||

|| Eli Whitney || || ||

|| William Brewster || Mayflower User of Plymouth Server Searching for Religious Liberty || ||

|| Samuel Adams || Leader of the Libre Tea Party Movement to Dump Non-free Software || ||


|| border=1 width=100%25 class="sortable simpletable"

||# Factor ||# Description ||# -3 ||# -2 ||# -1 ||# 0 ||# +1 ||# +2 ||# +3 ||

|| Liberty || Freedom of Religion and the Press || Network Tyrant || Mass Surveillance || Dictator for Life || BDFL || Limited Freedom || Some Elections || Free Network ||

|| Ecosystem || The LAN of Opportunity || Arbitrary Seizure || || || Walled Garden || || || The Startup Dream ||

|| Unity || United We Serve, Divided we Fault || Network Civil War || User Riots || User Protests || User Gossip || Indifference || Server Harmony || Proud to be an IRCitizen ||

|| Virtue || One Network Under God || Criminal Investigation for Mass Shooting || Cesspool: Blocked by Major ISPs || Indecent: Negative Publicity || Unruly || Orderly || Safe for Work || Beacon of Liberty ||

|| New Users || Send these accountless, shadowbanned to me || Splinternet || n00b Exclusion Act || || Echo Chamber || || Melting Pot || LAN rush ||

|| Privacy || Users have a right to be secure in their personal data || Privacy Disaster: US Congress Subpoena || Privacy Danger: GDPR lawsuits || Privacy Warning: COPPA violation and fines || Limited Privacy: Some Harassment and Bullying || Partial Anonymity: Suitable for children || Strong anonymity: Resistant to cancel culture || Total Anonymity; Safe for political dissidents ||

|| Security || /home of the brave || Remote Backdoor || Unpatched system || 0day Vunerabilities || Insecure || Limited Security || Mostly Secure || Secure by Default ||

|| Independence || A Free and Independent Network || Deplatformed || Domain Seized || Accounts Banned || Posts Censored || 3rd Party Dependencies || Partial Independence || Independent ||

|| border=1 width=100%25 class="sortable simpletable"

||# Policy ||# Modifiers ||# Special Effects ||

||# Censorship Policy ||||||

|| Ban Politics/Religion || -2 Liberty || ||

|| Ban Discrimination || -1 Liberty, +1 Unity || ||

|| Freedom of Religion and the Press || +2 Liberty, +1 Virtue, +1 New Users, -1 Unity || ||

|| Encourage the Bible || +1 Virtue || ||

|| NSFW Filter || +1 Virtue, +1 Unity, -1 New Users || ||

||# Privacy Policy ||||||

|| Real Name Policy || -2 Privacy, +1 Security || Can Report Abusers ||

|| SMS Verification || -1 Privacy || Fewer Clones ||

|| Tor Support || +2 Privacy, -1 Security || Increase in Abuse ||

|| Anonymous Staff || +1 Privacy, -1 Security || ||

|| Ban Advertising || -2 Ecosystem, -1 Liberty, +2 Privacy || ||

||# Server Software ||||||

|| Cloud Hosting || -3 Independence, -2 Privacy, -1 Security || Improved Uptime ||

|| Linux with SystemD || -1 Independence, -1 Security || ||

|| OpenBSD || +1 Independence || All projects take 2x longer ||

|| OpenBSD Fork || +2 Independence || All projects take 3x longer ||

||# Web Software ||||||

|| Require Chrome/Firefox || -2 Independence, -1 New Users || 50%25 Faster Development ||

|| WebSockets || -1 Independence, -1 New Users || 25%25 Faster Development ||

|| Require Javascript || -1 Independence, +1 New Users ||

|| Telegram/Matrix/Fediverse/Discord Bridge || -1 Independence, -1 Liberty, +1 Ecosystem, +1 New Users || ||

||# Copyright Licenses ||||||

|| Ethical License || -2 Liberty, -2 Ecosystem || Authors can arbitrarily revoke licenses ||

|| AGPL || -1 Ecosystem || Always requires sharing ||

|| GPL || || Requires sharing when copying ||

|| IRCNow/BSD License || +1 Ecosystem || Free to reuse for any purpose ||

||# Service Providers ||||||

|| Cloudflare || -2 Independence || Risk of Deplatforming ||

|| New TLDs || -1 Independence || New TLDs Easily Seized ||

|| Youtube/Facebook Integration || -1 Independence, -1 Liberty, +1 New Users || Risk of Deplatforming ||

|| Accept Paypal || -1 Independence, -1 Privacy || Paypal can seize assets ||

||# Programming Software ||||||

|| Rust/Go/Python/NodeJS || -1 Independence, +1 New Users || Languages Controlled by Monopolies ||

|| Provide Matrix/Fediverse Server || -2 Independence, +1 New Users || ||

|| Provide XMPP Server || -1 Independence, +1 New Users || ||

Liberty, Ecosystem, Unity, Virtue, New Users, Privacy, Security, Independence