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install nitter

nitter is a web app u can install to let you access twitter with no javascript on your browser.

home of the project is [[]].

right now nitter is not working on openbsd but we are trying to figure out bugs and get it working.

instructions so far

u will need to prepare your system with these tools first.

pkg_add git
pkg_add autoconf
pkg_add pcre
pkg_add libsass
pkg_add redis
pkg_add gmake

nitter is written in nim programming language. install the latest version of nim from your repository. nim 1.2 in openbsd 7.0 is old

the best is to create nitter user so u can build nitter and run it from $HOME. if u don't do this u will have to use your own user.

groupadd -g 123456 nitter (use a number that is free)

useradd -g nitter -u 123456 -s /usr/local/bin/bash -d /home/nitter -u 123456 nitter

su - nitter

clone nim repository to your home dir

git clone 
cd nitter
nimble build -d:release
nimble scss
nimble md
cp nitter.example.conf nitter.conf

now u will edit nitter.conf to work in your environment

change these lines to have your server ip address and port like this

address = ""
port = 36777

make this 2 settings low to start in case your nitter gets many ddos connections

httpMaxConnections = 50
tokenCount = 2

u can make those number bigger if u get more connections and users sometimes get blocked

change these lines for your server

title = "ircnow nitter server"
hostname = ""
enableRSS = false
enableDebug = true
proxyVideos = false

only enable rss if your users need it and only enable proxy videos if you have lots of bandwidth

configure your redis server

redisPort = 6397
hmacKey = "thiskeyisverysecret"

figuring out problems in openbsd

u can get help on #nitter @ irc network but they don't use openbsd so we have to solve these puzzles.

when i start nitter it fails to get auth token from and says this error.

fetching token failed: No error reported.

nitter won't tell u what is wrong so u can make nitter do all web requests thru a proxy.

pkg_add privoxy
nano /etc/privoxy/config
change these lines
debug 1
debug 2
debug 1024
debug 4096
debug 8192
logdir /var/log/privoxy

start privoxy on your server

now u can tell nitter to use privoxy for web connections by changing this line in nitter.conf

proxy = "http://localhost:8118"

more things to try

next i can use mitm proxy to look inside ssl connection to and see why nitter can't get auth tokens

maybe privoxy can do this or else i have to install sslstrip or other web tools

maybe ip is banned bc of abuse in past

maybe some firewall on server is telling connection to abort as soon as it tries to get data