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Installing mlmmj

mlmmj (Mailing List Management Made is a simple and lightweight mailing list manager. It is MIT-licensed and written in C. It works with OpenSMTPd and requires no daemons so it can run on very small servers.


You will need to configure and [test OpenSMTPd. You will need to configure and [test OpenSMTPd.


$ doas pkg_add mlmmj

You can also compile from source.


Consult /usr/local/share/doc/mlmmj/README

OpenSMTPd and mlmmj, by default, use the delimiter +. For instance, accepts request to subscribe to the mlmmj-test email list. No special configuration is required.

To create an initial mailing list, we first create a directory for mlmmj, then run mlmmj-make-ml:

$ doas mkdir /var/spool/mlmmj
$ doas chown _smtpd:_smtpd /var/spool/mlmmj/ 
$ doas -u _smtpd mlmmj-make-ml
Creating Directorys below /var/spool/mlmmj. Use '-s spooldir' to change
What should the name of the Mailinglist be? [mlmmj-test] :
The Domain for the List? [] :
The emailaddress of the list owner? [postmaster] : postmaster

Replace mlmmj-test and with your real list name and domain.

For each mailing list, add an entry into /etc/mail/virtuals (see aliases(5) and [smtpd.conf(5).md): For each mailing list, add an entry into /etc/mail/virtuals (see aliases(5) and [smtpd.conf(5).md):

mlmmj-test:  "|/usr/local/bin/mlmmj-receive -L /var/spool/mlmmj/mlmmj-test/"

Replace mlmmj-test with your real list name.

Create a log file:

$ doas touch /var/log/mlmmj.log

Then run this command once:

/usr/local/bin/mlmmj-maintd -F -d /var/spool/mlmmj/ >>/var/log/mlmmj.log 2>&1

Then add the task to your crontab:

0   */2 *   *   *   /usr/local/bin/mlmmj-maintd -F -d /var/spool/mlmmj/ >>/var/log/mlmmj.log 2>&1

NOTE: mlmmj sends email from, which should be added to /etc/mail/hosts; localhost is not enough.

(:if false:)

Normally the mailing list is only handled on the server, all emails sent to it are for virtual users, or external users. If you have a need to send to a local user, meaning someone with a /home/bangcat directory, you need to modify /etc/mail/smtpd.conf to add a 'table locals file:/etc/mail/locals' and an action to forward email to local users like 'action "local" mbox alias '. The /etc/mail/locals should have a line for each local user that needs to get email.

This is not required in most cases.


To sign up to the mailing list, simply email

Replace mlmmj-test with your list name, and with your domain name.

List files are located at /var/spool/mlmmj/<mailing-list-name>.