sic is a simple irc client by suckless community, written in less than 250 lines of C code.
it reads commands and messages from stdio and prints messages into stdout, making suitable for using in scripts, or where quick access to irc needed.
sic doesn't support SSL/TLS natively
$ doas pkg_add sic
unlike most common clients, ##STARTCODEBLOCK## /command##ENDCODEBLOCK## s doesn't work and they are used with ##STARTCODEBLOCK## :command##ENDCODEBLOCK##
for joining a channel
:j #channel##ENDCODEBLOCK##
for leaving a channel
:l #channel##ENDCODEBLOCK##
sending a message to ##STARTCODEBLOCK##
:m nick message##ENDCODEBLOCK##
setting target (default place which messages are sent to)
:s #channel##ENDCODEBLOCK##
$ sic -h -n ircuser