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||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||# Unlocks ||# Bonus ||

|| IRC101 || IRC || Connect to IRC || || Gives you access to the network || Free Tech Support and Services ||

|| Liberty Shell || Unix || Sign up for a Liberty Shell || || free space to host your needs || Free Liberty Shell ||

|| Unix101 || Unix || Learn the Command Line || || knowledge about how everything works || Unlock Minutemin Path ||

|| Bouncer || IRC || Bouncer Tutorial || || 24/7 logs of the IRC || Free Bouncer ||

|| Services || IRC || IRC Services || || Auto Voice/Op || Register Username and Channel ||

|| Channel Op || IRC || Manage Channels || || Your own channels || Unlock Op of Liberty Path ||

|| Welcome! || Civics || Immigrant's Welcome || || nice users || ||

|| IRCNow Goals || Civics || Learn IRCNow Project Goals || || ideas to help || Unlocks Netizenship Path ||

|| Congress Procedure || Civics || Learn about procedure in Congress || || || ||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||# Unlocks ||# Bonus ||

|| Learn vi || Shell || Learn vi || Files || File abilities || Create and Edit Files ||

|| Learn mg || Shell || Learn mg (emacs || Files || More file abilities || Create and Edit Files ||

|| Unix filesystem || Shell || Learn the Unix Filesystem || SSH connection || Knowledge about our system || ||

|| File commands || Shell || Create, delete, move, and edit files || SSH connection || Knowledge about files || ||

|| Commands || Shell || Learn about commands and where to find help || SSH connection || Knowledge about all commands || ||

|| Symbolic Links || BSD || Create symbolic links || || || Create symbolic links ||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||# Unlocks ||# Bonus ||

|| Install Eggdrop || IRC || Install Eggdrop || Eggdrop || || Create First IRC Bot ||

|| Eggdrop RSS || IRC || Set up Eggdrop RSS News Feed || Eggdrop || || Create IRC News Channel ||

|| Eggdrop Trivia || IRC || Set up Eggdrop Trivia Game || Eggdrop || || Create IRC Trivia Game ||

|| Duck Hunt || IRC || Set up Eggdrop Duck Hunt || Eggdrop || || Create IRC Duck Hunt ||

|| Install ZNC || IRC || Install ZNC || Shell account || Your own Bouncer || Create your own ZNC ||

|| Install psyBNC || IRC || Install psybnc || Your own vps || Your own Bouncer || Create your own ZNC ||

|| Setup ngIRCd || IRC || Set up Chat Server with ngIRCd || Your own vps || Your own Bouncer || Create your own ZNC ||

|| Configure Mutt || IRC || Set Up Command-line Email || Your own vps || Set Up Email Account || Set Up Email ||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||# Unlocks ||# Bonus ||

|| Become a Netizen || Civics || || || || ||

|| Netizen Rights || Civics || || || || ||

|| User Freedom || Civics || || || || ||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||# Unlocks ||# Bonus ||

|| DNS Overview || DNS || Learn the Domain Name System || || || ||

|| DNS Records || DNS || Understand DNS Record Types || || || ||

|| vhost || Configure vhost || || || || Unlock Custom Vhost ||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||# Unlocks ||# Bonus ||

|| OpenSSH || Security || Configure and connect using ssh || || || Login to server securely ||

|| Generate SSH Keys || Security || Generate SSH keys || || || Login to server securely ||

|| SSH keys || Security || Verify ssh keys || || || Connect to server securely ||

||# Lesson ||# Topic ||# Description ||# Prereqs ||# Unlocks ||# Bonus ||