
[03:44:17] <jrmu> https://education.minecraft.net/hour-of-code-2020
[03:44:37] <jrmu> minecraft is now being used to push social justice activism
[03:44:52] <jrmu> https://news.slashdot.org/story/20/11/13/1426210/microsofts-2020-hour-
[03:45:05] <jrmu> ``"Help us bring two villages together through the power of code# [...
] You will experience empathy and compassion for your neighbor while embracing the diver
sity that makes us all uniquely special."_
[03:45:22] <jrmu> ``"Both conscious and unconscious biases can cause us to behave negati
vely or discriminate against people. When we stereotype people based on their gender, et
hnicity, sexual orientation, or some other characteristic, it can be detrimental to us a
nd our community. On a larger and extreme scale, bias can lead to oppression, genocide, 
and even slavery." The Guide notes that this year's Hour of Code lesson

Do not teach kids with game softwares. You are just trying to make them suck at society.