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Become an IRCNow Ambassador!

If you enjoy socializing with other admins/opers, negotiating deals, would like to help improve IRC, improve [user freedom, and hang out with your friends, this is the job for you. If you enjoy socializing with other admins/opers, negotiating deals, would like to help improve IRC, improve [user freedom, and hang out with your friends, this is the job for you.

Your Reward

Become staff on IRCNow

Free OpenBSD VPS

Gain diplomatic immunity on foreign networks

Receive extra accounts and services as needed

Hang out with friends while improving IRC

Add a new work experience for your CV/resume

Help improve freedom on the internet

We may someday pay salaries to our staff, but we cannot afford to do so at this time.

How to Apply

Become familiar with our goals for IRC and our [commitment to user freedom.

Become familiar with our goals for IRC and our [commitment to user freedom.

Understand our technology and software.

Request a shell account and other IRC services.

Contact us on IRC or email your application to Ambassadors can remain anonymous.

We'll interview you, and if you are qualified, you'll be promoted to staff!

Your Duties

Commit to help our network for a minimum of 5 hours per week

Negotiate with other networks: get connection limit exemptions (ilines), negotiate [alliances, and partnerships

Negotiate with other networks: get connection limit exemptions (ilines), negotiate [alliances, and partnerships

Get sponsorships from free software/open source organizations, businesses, and private donors

Get to know all the networks on IRC.

Help with marketing and interacting with users.

Report all money transactions that involve IRCNow


Track our progress on the roadmap

See the report on IRCNow Finances