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Explore the Uncharted Frontier

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Build the Future with Plan 9

Come learn Plan 9 with us and help us build the future of operating systems.

For the last thirty years, the computer landscape has been dominated by UNIX-like clones. But all that is about to change for the free software community thanks to Plan 9.

Help Change Computing Forever

Plan 9 was created by the original UNIX team from Bell Labs, the same all-star team that invented Unix and the C language. Its contributors included Rob Pike, Ken Thompson, Brian Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie, and Bjarne Stroustrup.

Plan 9 Innovations

Plan 9 follows the UNIX philosophy more than UNIX itself:

  • It takes the simple idea that every interface should be a file and extends that to everything: the keyboard, mouse, sound card, windowing system, and network resources.

  • It creates a unique name space for each process so that each process sees a unique file system.

Plan 9 is a distributed services operating system designed with the global internet in mind. Its elegant design will make it possible to easily set up clusters and grids of servers in a way never before possible with Unix-like clones.

Watch a Live Demo

We can give you a tour of Plan 9. Join us at [IRCNow to learn more about the design: We can give you a tour of Plan 9. Join us at [IRCNow to learn more about the design:

  • Network services using protocols like ssh, ftp, and email simply appear as files on your filesystem. This removes the need for special client interfaces.

  • A new windowing system that is completely integrated with the system, with its own file interface, that is independent and easier to code for than X11 and Wayland.

  • Chroots have been replaced with unique per-process namespacing

  • Berkeley sockets and ioctls have been replaced with /net file system

Free 9rc Account

IRCNow is offering a free 9rc account. We want to train explorers so we can write our own free and open operating system.

Join us to make a lasting impact on technology, to work on a project that will influence free software operating systems for the next twenty years. Let's work on Plan 9 development!

Plan 9 Innovations Adopted by Linux

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  • UTF-8 was first invented in Plan 9!

  • procfs was first invented in Plan 9!

  • Union filesystems were first invented in Plan 9!

What You'll Learn

The rio windowing system (mouse chording)

How to set up your own nameserver and how to purchase a custom domain

How to compile software on Plan 9

How to Apply

If you're new to Plan 9, create a free plan 9 account and finish the 9-101 tutorial.

Join us over on IRC on one of our servers on #plan9

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