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!Improve infrastructure

!!High Priority

  • Finish porting new UI to dokuwiki

  • Security hardening

  • Updated security issues page

  • PF hardening

  • Setup underprivileged user accounts for each $service with limited permissions

  • root should only be used as last resort

  • only root can use fdisk

  • configure doas properly

  • Check permissions

  • Implement quotas/limits

  • Setup openrsync and sftp on

  • Define Disaster Recovery Plan

  • Automated backups

  • Restore testing

  • Discuss and vote on privacy policy

  • Replace nsd with DelphinusDNSd

  • Setup DNSSEC

Medium Priority

  • Setup mx2

  • Implement both mx across whole infrastructure

  • Setup cgit and cvsweb

  • Setup snmpd

  • Monitor:

  • Resource utilization (CPU, RAM, swap. Disk IOps and space) globally

  • Filesystem inconsistencies, SSD/HDD errors/failure trough sysutils/smartmontools

  • Stopped daemons

  • Failed backups

  • Failed scripts

  • Send email and/or output on #mon

  • Block undesired content (ads, porn, malware) with hosts/DNS

  • Blacklist current $domain A/AAAA records and block outgoing packets to those IPS

  • Implement ELIST functionality (advertise in RPL_ISUPPORT) for more flexible /LiST searching. See and for specification details. Added to medium because currently IRCCloud cannot gain the /LIST at all, and it is a widely used client/bouncer

!!Low Priority

  • Setup CARP

  • Write and deploy compliance.ksh to make sure our users are not breaking the terns they agreed)

  • Check processes

  • NSFW scanbot

  • Write and deploy IRC bot so users can easily request 1 or more services

  • !request [$service]

  • Invoke $ircnowctl

  • Write and deploy ircnowctl (k(sh) or perl)

  • Controller to automate:

  • User management (add/mod/del/suspend/ban)

  • Enable ssh access (pubkeys)

  • Update DNS records

  • Quota management (enable/disable/++/--)

  • Setup chroot

  • Check and fix permissions

  • Service management (add/del/suspend/ban)

  • Pipe to $servicectl

  • Setup tor hidden services for each service


*business plans

*Hosting plans

*Shell Ads

  - Get added to:
  - <del></del> -- sent emails
  - -- can't find email or way to get added
  - <del></del> -- sent email
  - <del></del> -- emailed, waiting for approval
  - Get listed on
  - Post on stack exchange:
  - <del></del> -- Sent suggestion

*For bouncer providers, get added here:


*Get our IRC network listed:



  • Train opers in basic ngircd commands

  • Set up test ircd

  • Test out spam repos

  • Write anti-spam bots

  • Switch over to achurch's services, write anti-spam services

!IRC services

  • MemeServ

  • HoneyServ

  • PasteServ

  • TrapServ

  • FileServ

  • KeyServ


  • Setup asterisk

  • Free sip accounts for everyone

  • Charge for public telephone calls

  • Charge for DIDs

  • Include SIP clients with IRC clients

  • Provide free TURN/STUN servers


  • Use oscommerce

  • Add organic food products

  • Add specialty handicraft goods

!shell accounts

  • offer prizes and competitions for dev

  • ask for help with wikis

  • set up easy eggdrops

  • fix cumulus cloud and h5ai

  • add rsync support

  • ffmpeg?

  • fix cloudmounter for mac

  • add rsync, sshfuse support for sftp

  • See for reference









Implement ssh automated account creation:

Hosting plans


*write cronjobs to automate wraith, bnc, acme-client


  • Setup asterisk

  • Write documentation for SIP clients


  • set up irc hidden service

  • Add connection/join/nick flood protection

  • Add +r restricted user mode

  • Add defcon mode

  • Add censor lists for unregistered users

  • Verify hopm accuracy

  • Update terms of service

  • Fix /var/log/messages syslog messages for ngircd

  • Clean up patches

  • Nickserv/Chanserv flood protection

  • Migrate to atheme?

  • Add /ns and /cs aliases

  • Block nick juping


  • Add single sign-in


  • Write registration into app

  • Improve anycasting and redundancy


  • Switch to stagit

  • Import git repos


  • Fix spam filters


  • Add support for matrix

  • Add bitlbee support for slack, twitter, telegram, discord, signal

  • Improve bitlbee documentation

  • Add telegram/discord for bnc3

  • Research bitlbee-telegram usernames foreign charset problem


  • We want to build an open source competitor that can fight head to head with discord and Skype and TeamSpeak

  • Provide free SIP accounts using Asterisk. Connect asterisk to the PSTN using a provider like

  • Free unlimited video calls within the network, outbound calls charge 20-50%25 premium

  • Put SIP softphone client in our custom IRC client, make it run natively on every major OS plus web

  • Add speech2text module to transcribe all audio into text for IRC for people who don't like typing/on mobile phones

  • Bake a SIP client into minetest so that virtual world gamers can have audio calls with our irc users

  • Bridge SIP to mumble so we can interop with the large mumble community

  • Create IRC/Web interface for registering DIDs so users can purchase their own phone numbers and get voicemail. We can charge 20-50%25 premium for DIDs

  • Provide free TURN/STUN services

  • Make software so easy to install and configure, a 10 year old child could do it, then charge enterprises money to help them install it in-house


  • ban abjects, high times?

  • fix dns blacklist


  • Convert to IRCNow

!Minetest Gaming

  • Set up final minetest servers

  • Switch over to Fogle's craft because of better MIT license for Apple iOS and locked platforms


  • Build security community

  • Add livestreaming audio/video played by bot, !play url


  • create bot masquerades as a normal user and sets the user as +r upon receiving a PM

!Low Priority

  • Fileserv -- DCC

  • Pasteserv -- PRIVMSG

  • PM flood honeypot

  • Chan honeypot

  • NSFW scanbot

  • Write IRC games

  • Write IRC messenger for Android, iOS, and web


  • Add contact lists

  • Add file upload

!Squirrel mail

13:39 < gry> after clicking send the page stays there for a 
             few secs, i feel tempted to click send again
13:39 < gry> this might result in messages being sent twice


  • mh approved 50 per IPv6 and 50? ipv4 on ircnet

  • available on,, (not ssl), and