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Minutemin Bootcamp

|| border=1 width=100%25 class="sortable simpletable"

||# Lesson ||# Description ||# Topic ||# Unlocks ||# Bonus ||

|| IRC101 || Connect to IRC || IRC || IRC || Free Tech Support and Services ||

|| Liberty Shell || Sign up for a Liberty Shell || Unix || Eggdrop, ZNC, PsyBNC || ||

|| Unix101 || Learn the Command Line || Unix || || Patriot Lvl 1 ||

|| Unix201 || Understand Network Civics || Civics || || Patriot Lvl 2 ||

|| Unix301 || Learn the Unix Work Ethic || Unix || Minutemin || Custom vhost ||

|| Unix401 || Shell Script || Shell || || ||

|| Unix501 || Perl Script || Perl || || ||

|| Unix601 || Program in C || C || || ||

|| IRCNow Goals || Learn IRCNow Project Goals || Civics || || VPN ||

|| IRCNow Roadmap || Plan the IRCNow Roadmap || Civics || || ||

|| User Freedom || Learn Network Principles || Civics || Ops of Liberty || ||

|| IRCNow Constitution || Understand the Constitution || Civics || Minutemin Application || Acquire Netizenship (+v ||

|| Code of Honor || Recite the Minutemin Code || Unix || || || ||

|| Give yourself root powers using doas || || || ||

|| Patch your system using syspatch ||

|| Read about basic TCP/IP networking ||

|| Read about IPv4 networking ||

|| Read about IPv6 networking ||

||# Character ||# Description ||# Skills ||# Bonus ||

|| Immigrant || Comes From the Old Network || None || None ||

|| Patriot || Declares Independence from Silicon Valley || None || IRCitizen ||

|| Minutemin || Server Heroes of Freedom || Sysadmin || Admin Powers ||

|| Pioneer || Network Pioneers || Explore || Explorer ||

|| Sheriff || Reports Network Outlaws || Security || Police Powers ||

|| Inventor || Unix Inventors || Coding || Repo Privs ||

|| Judge || Interpret Network Law || Law || Judge ||

|| Senator || Writes Network Law || Law || Voting ||


||# Bonus Type ||# Limit ||# Description ||

|| password reset || || ||

|| +1 bnc || max 2 || Free ZNC ||

|| +1 liberty shell || max 2 || Free Shell ||

|| custom vhost || || ||

|| custom domain || || ||

|| +1 SSL cert || || ||

|| +v voice (netizen) || || Netizen ||

|| +h halfop || || Patriot ||

|| +o op || || Op of Liberty ||

|| +a admin || || ||

|| +q founder || || ||

|| +oper || || ||

|| +znc admin || || ||

|| +1 email || || ||

|| +1 eggdrop || || ||

|| +1 support email || || ||

|| +1 VPN || || ||

|| +1 GB file storage || || ||

|| +1 nntp account || || ||

|| +1 minetest server || || ||

|| +1 Homestead VPS || || ||

|| +1 Public VPS || || ||

|| Resume Referral || || ||

|| Ally Network || || ||

|| Promote to Minutemin || || ||

|| Promote to Governor || || ||

|| +1 dedicated server || || ||

||# Founder ||# Description ||# Bonus ||

|| Gry Adams || Network Lawyer and Serverwoman, Champion of Due Process and the Presumption of Innocence || ||

|| Benjamin Social || Author of Poor Rtalk's Almanack, Defender of the Free Press, Network Diplomat || ||

|| Error Hamilton || Network News Publisher, Established Central Cryptobank, Argued for Strong Federal Network || ||

|| John Jay || First Chief Justice, Advocated for Strong Centralized ID System || ||

|| Thomas Jefferson || Author of the Unix Declaration of Independence, Supporter of immigrants and republicanism || ||

|| James Madison || Drafted the IRCNow Constitution and Bill of Rights, co-wrote the Federation Papers || ||

|| Subline Henry || Bot Plantation Owner and Passionate Orator for Decentralization || ||

|| Samuel Adams || Leader of the Libre Tea Party Movement to Dump Non-free Software || ||

|| Miniontoby Hancock || Minetest Merchant and Discord Smuggler, First Signer of Network Independence || ||

|| Blackbeard || Torrenting Pirate on the Eye Are Seas || ||

|| Walter Raleigh || || ||

|| Captain John Smith || || ||

|| Roger Williams || Campaigned for fair dealings with Native IRCians and abolition of non-free software || ||

|| Quo-fan Penn || Early Network Pioneer who Argued for Freedom of Religion || ||

|| Daniel Boone || Folk hero for exploring and settling the IRC Frontier || ||

|| Eli Whitney || || ||

|| William Brewster || Mayflower User of Plymouth Server Searching for Religious Liberty || ||











|| border=1 width=100%25 class="sortable simpletable"

||# Factor ||# Description ||# -3 ||# -2 ||# -1 ||# 0 ||# +1 ||# +2 ||# +3 ||

|| Liberty || Freedom of Religion and the Press || Network Tyrant || Mass Surveillance || Dictator for Life || BDFL || Limited Freedom || Some Elections || Free Network ||

|| Ecosystem || The LAN of Opportunity || Arbitrary Seizure || || || Walled Garden || || || The Startup Dream ||

|| Unity || United We Serve, Divided we Fault || Network Civil War || User Riots || User Protests || User Gossip || Indifference || Server Harmony || Proud to be an IRCitizen ||

|| Virtue || One Network Under God || Criminal Investigation for Mass Shooting || Cesspool: Blocked by Major ISPs || Indecent: Negative Publicity || Unruly || Orderly || Safe for Work || Beacon of Liberty ||

|| New Users || Send these accountless, shadowbanned to me || Splinternet || n00b Exclusion Act || || Echo Chamber || || Melting Pot || LAN rush ||

|| Privacy || Users have a right to be secure in their personal data || Privacy Disaster: US Congress Subpoena || Privacy Danger: GDPR lawsuits || Privacy Warning: COPPA violation and fines || Limited Privacy: Some Harassment and Bullying || Partial Anonymity: Suitable for children || Strong anonymity: Resistant to cancel culture || Total Anonymity; Safe for political dissidents ||

|| Security || /home of the brave || Remote Backdoor || Unpatched system || 0day Vunerabilities || Insecure || Limited Security || Mostly Secure || Secure by Default ||

|| Independence || A Free and Independent Network || Deplatformed || Domain Seized || Accounts Banned || Posts Censored || 3rd Party Dependencies || Partial Independence || Independent ||

|| border=1 width=100%25 class="sortable simpletable"

||# Policy ||# Modifiers ||# Special Effects ||

||# Censorship Policy ||||||

|| Ban Politics/Religion || -2 Liberty || ||

|| Ban Discrimination || -1 Liberty, +1 Unity || ||

|| Freedom of Religion and the Press || +2 Liberty, +1 Virtue, +1 New Users, -1 Unity || ||

|| Encourage the Bible || +1 Virtue || ||

|| NSFW Filter || +1 Virtue, +1 Unity, -1 New Users || ||

||# Privacy Policy ||||||

|| Real Name Policy || -2 Privacy, +1 Security || Can Report Abusers ||

|| SMS Verification || -1 Privacy || Fewer Clones ||

|| Tor Support || +2 Privacy, -1 Security || Increase in Abuse ||

|| Anonymous Staff || +1 Privacy, -1 Security || ||

|| Ban Advertising || -2 Ecosystem, -1 Liberty, +2 Privacy || ||

||# Server Software ||||||

|| Cloud Hosting || -3 Independence, -2 Privacy, -1 Security || Improved Uptime ||

|| Linux with SystemD || -1 Independence, -1 Security || ||

|| OpenBSD || +1 Independence || All projects take 2x longer ||

|| OpenBSD Fork || +2 Independence || All projects take 3x longer ||

||# Web Software ||||||

|| Require Chrome/Firefox || -2 Independence, -1 New Users || 50%25 Faster Development ||

|| WebSockets || -1 Independence, -1 New Users || 25%25 Faster Development ||

|| Require Javascript || -1 Independence, +1 New Users ||

|| Telegram/Matrix/Fediverse/Discord Bridge || -1 Independence, -1 Liberty, +1 Ecosystem, +1 New Users || ||

||# Copyright Licenses ||||||

|| Ethical License || -2 Liberty, -2 Ecosystem || Authors can arbitrarily revoke licenses ||

|| AGPL || -1 Ecosystem || Always requires sharing ||

|| GPL || || Requires sharing when copying ||

|| IRCNow/BSD License || +1 Ecosystem || Free to reuse for any purpose ||

||# Service Providers ||||||

|| Cloudflare || -2 Independence || Risk of Deplatforming ||

|| New TLDs || -1 Independence || New TLDs Easily Seized ||

|| Youtube/Facebook Integration || -1 Independence, -1 Liberty, +1 New Users || Risk of Deplatforming ||

|| Accept Paypal || -1 Independence, -1 Privacy || Paypal can seize assets ||

||# Programming Software ||||||

|| Rust/Go/Python/NodeJS || -1 Independence, +1 New Users || Languages Controlled by Monopolies ||

|| Provide Matrix/Fediverse Server || -2 Independence, +1 New Users || ||

|| Provide XMPP Server || -1 Independence, +1 New Users || ||

Liberty, Ecosystem, Unity, Virtue, New Users, Privacy, Security, Independence

Setting up IRC

Setup ngircd, your IRC server

Configure hopm, an open proxy monitor that detects and bans spammers

Network Troubleshooting

Troubleshoot networking applications with netcat

Troubleshoot basic networking connectivity with ping

Troubleshoot DNS servers and records with dig

Setting up SSL

Configure your webserver, openhttpd

Get an SSL certificate to go with your web server with acme-client

Customizing your Web Server

Set up and configure PHP

Install PMWiki, your own private wiki

Installing a Bouncer

Set up znc, a bouncer we will provide for users

Configure relayd as a reverse proxy for your znc web panel

Set up [[openbsd/oidentd]], which is needed to prevent abuse for the bouncer

Configuring DNS

Learn about DNS fundamentals

Learn how to configure a [[openbsd/vhost]]

Troubleshoot DNS issues with [[openbsd/host]] and [[openbsd/dig]]

Configure your local caching nameserver using [[openbsd/unbound]]

Configure your authoritative nameserver, nsd.

Configuring Networking

Configure new IPv6 addresses

Test basic connectivity with ping

Setting up a Mail Server

Configure OpenSMTPd, our mail server

Configure SPF, DKIM, and [DMARC

Configure SPF, DKIM, and [DMARC

Send an email message to your personal email address such as Gmail or Outlook. Also practice sending a message from your personal email to your mail server.

Double check to ensure you do not have an open mail relay

Install and configure Dovecot, our IMAP server. Connect your email client to the server

Congratulations# Join the Team!

Read up on team procedure.

# and [[Openbsd/Stable]] server protocol.

# and [[Openbsd/Testing]] server protocol.

Please continue with ongoing training.

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