
Until opentracker is declared official release ready, the way to install it is:

cvs -d -z9 co libowfat
cd libowfat
cd ..
# LEGACY: cvs co opentracker
git clone git://
cd opentracker


Installation application in a systemic location:

doas cp opentracker /usr/local/sbin/opentracker
doas chown root:bin /usr/local/sbin/opentracker
doas chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/opentracker
doas cp opentracker.conf.sample /etc/opentracker.conf
doas chown chown _opentracker:_opentracker /etc/opentracker.conf
doas chmod 400 /etc/opentracker.conf


Some variables in opentracker's Makefile control features and behaviour of opentracker. Here they are:

  • Some variables in opentracker's Makefile control features and behaviour of opentracker. Here they are:

-DWANT_V6 makes opentracker an IPv6-only tracker. More in the v6-section below.

  • opentracker can deliver gzip compressed full scrapes. Enable this with -DWANT_COMPRESSION_GZIP option.

  • Normally opentracker tracks any torrent announced to it. You can change that behaviour by enabling ONE of -DWANT_ACCESSLIST_BLACK or -DWANT_ACCESSLIST_WHITE. Note, that you have to provide a whitelist file in order to make opentracker do anything in the latter case. More in the closed mode section below.

opentracker can run in a cluster. Enable this behaviour by enabling -DWANT_SYNC_LIVE. Note, that you have to configure your cluster before you can use opentracker when this option is on.

  • Some statistics opentracker can provide are sensitive. You can restrict access to these statistics by enabling -DWANT_RESTRICT_STATS. See section statistics for more details.

  • Fullscrapes is bittorrent's way to query a tracker for all tracked torrents. Since it's in the standard, it is enabled by default. Disable it by commenting out -DWANT_FULLSCRAPE.

  • By default opentracker will only allow the connecting endpoint's IP address to be announced. Bittorrent standard allows clients to provide an IP address in its query string. You can make opentracker use this IP address by enabling -DWANT_IP_FROM_QUERY_STRING.

  • Some experimental or older, deprecated features can be enabled by the -DWANT_LOG_NETWORKS, -DWANT_SYNC_SCRAPE or -DWANT_IP_FROM_PROXY switch.

  • Currently there is some packages for some linux distributions and OpenBSD around, but some of them patch Makefile and default config to make opentracker closed by default. I explicitly don't endorse those packages and will not give support for problems stemming from these missconfigurations.


Creating a user and a tree folders for the work of the tracker:

groupadd -ov -g 406 _opentracker
useradd -v -d /var/opentracker -g 406 -s /sbin/nologin -u 406 -c "OpenTracker daemon" _opentracker
mkdir /var/opentracker
chown _opentracker:_opentracker /var/opentracker
chmod 700 /var/opentracker


How to create torrent file from console:

mktorrent -a "" \
          -c "OpenBSD 7.2 torrent by Baytuch" \
          -o "OpenBSD_7.2.torrent" \
          -v \
gpg --local-user "<user>" \
    --armor \
    --detach-sign \


Program use guide:

{+Main view keys+}

backspace Add a torrent url or path

^r Manually initiate hash checking