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Minutemin Bootcamp

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Welcome to IRCNow!

Before you apply

Sign up for a liberty shell

Unix101: Learn the Command Line

Unix201: Understand Network Civics

Unix301: Learn the Unix Work Ethic

Unix401: Shell Script

Perl101: Perl Scripting

Unix601: Program in C

Required for Training

Get Familiar with IRCNow Culture

Read up on our goals for IRC

Read up on IRCNow's roadmap

Learn about our commitment to user freedom

Read and understand the IRCNow Constitution

Read the Code of Honor, the Server Creed, and the [Call of Duty.

Read the Code of Honor, the Server Creed, and the [Call of Duty.

Learning Basic Utilities

Give yourself root powers using doas

Patch your system using syspatch

Read about basic TCP/IP networking

Read about IPv4 networking

Read about IPv6 networking

Setting up IRC

Setup Ngircd, your IRC server

Configure hopm, an open proxy monitor that detects and bans spammers

Network Troubleshooting

Troubleshoot networking applications with netcat

Troubleshoot basic networking connectivity with ping

Troubleshoot DNS servers and records with dig

Setting up SSL

Configure your webserver, openhttpd

Get an SSL certificate to go with your web server with acme-client

Customizing your Web Server

Set up and configure PHP

Install PMWiki, your own private wiki

Installing a Bouncer

Set up znc, a bouncer we will provide for users

Configure relayd as a reverse proxy for your znc web panel

Set up oidentd, which is needed to prevent abuse for the bouncer

Configuring DNS

Learn about DNS fundamentals

Learn how to configure a [[openbsd/vhost]]

Troubleshoot DNS issues with [[openbsd/host]] and [[openbsd/dig]]

Configure your local caching nameserver using [[openbsd/unbound]]

Configure your authoritative nameserver, nsd.

Configuring Networking

Configure new IPv6 addresses

Test basic connectivity with ping

Setting up a Mail Server

Configure OpenSMTPd, our mail server

Configure SPF, DKIM, and [DMARC

Configure SPF, DKIM, and [DMARC

Send an email message to your personal email address such as Gmail or Outlook. Also practice sending a message from your personal email to your mail server.

Double check to ensure you do not have an open mail relay

Install and configure Dovecot, our IMAP server. Connect your email client to the server

Congratulations# Join the Team!

Read up on team procedure.

# and [[Openbsd/Stable]] server protocol.

# and [[Openbsd/Testing]] server protocol.

Please continue with ongoing training.