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Xonotic is a opensource first-person shooter, which was forked from Nexutiz, which was based on quake.


Installation is easy and doesn't need much hardware power nor packages.

$ doas pkg_add xonotic-server


Copy server config to your home directory

$ cp /usr/local/share/examples/xonotic/server.cfg ~

You might want to change following parts:

If you want to hide your server from serverlist

sv_public 0

If you want to set a name for your server

hostname yetanotherxonoticserver

If you want to set a maximum number of players for this server

maxplayers 4

You can see more info and examples on configuration of server at /usr/local/share/examples/xonotic/server.cfg.


$ xonotic-dedicated +serverconfig ~/server.cfg

And it has started. voila!